My son has this beautiful book about feelings. It was gifted to him by a dear friend of mine. It describes various emotions, and at the centre there is a big heart cutout, as you read the heart gets smaller and changes colours. I love that the heart is at the centre of each emotion.

The sad, the angry, frustrated, scared, happy, joyful, peaceful, hopeful, content and so on. Our emotional landscape is certainly colourful, and without a doubt our emotions come from the epicentre of our body - our heart.

The heart is super fascinating to me, as I've always been highly sensitive, and acutely aware of my feelings and others. I live through feeling, and I believe my path in this lifetime is harness the power of my emotions. At times, my emotions have really benefited me, and at times they have not. The times they have not been of benefit to me is when I’ve let them take over, and found myself “stuck” in states of depression, fear, and resentment.

If I can pinpoint the moment in my life when I was able to harness the power of emotions through my heart, I’d have to say it was in the depths of most challenging times in my life so far. It is correct when they say it is in the darkness where light comes through. Even our darkest emotions can provide us with important information. They are often a cry for change.

I started to connect more deeply yet unknowingly to my heart when began kinesiology and coaching with Rachel Smith. At this point in my life, I was navigating the throws of infertility and IVF treatment. Rachel helped me tune into my body and emotions, and use them important message systems.

The work I’ve done through seeing Rachel, has enabled me to leave an unhappy and limiting marriage, begins. community for women going through IVF via Together We Wait, fall in love again, become a mum, returning to work, navigate separation with my dream child, coparent with love and truly embrace life. I now can proudly say I love my life. Sure, there’s more that I’d love to bring in, and I will.

Rachel also introduce me to Heart Coherence, and since practising HeartMath® tools and techniques daily, I have found the courage to move closer to my family (something I’ve talked about for years), find a dream apartment 13 minutes from the beach, my relationships with my parents, my coparent, friends and family are thriving. I landed my dream job and have already in less than year delivered incredible value. Finally, I’ve got the courage to start this beautiful purpose driven business.

My beautiful son, Neo is my inspiration to be of service to others who are ready to embrace the power and wisdom their heart.

I’d love for you to come join on this peaceful path, and find your way to the infinite wisdom of your heart.

With all my heart,

Krista x

Find out more about me:

I’ve been interviewed by the ABC on two occasions (articles linked below) and featured in a news piece for The Project on Channel Ten - Australia (episode no longer available).